Thursday, November 19, 2015

Annabel Lee

The last of the original Poe kittens, Annabel Lee is still with me and will soon be looking for a new forever home. She's best friends with foster kitten Lenore, so we're hoping to find them a placement where both kittens can go together.

Lady, why you wakes me? I was sleepings in the basket so happy.

I sleeps on faces too!
She's a sweet little puffball in black with long fur but a thinish coat that gives her the look of the Lykoi cat. It has been noted that this kitten looks like werewolf, wookie, cat, Scottish Terrier and Grover DNA all got mixed together and took cat form.

She's also one of the most sweet and loving kittens I have had the pleasure with which to work. Her current hobbies include chasing toys, exploring boxes, sitting on my shoulder like a terrible parrot and attempting to sleep on my face.

Currently, she is waiting by the door to the bathroom where Lenore is in her post surgery quarantine. They chirp back an forth to each other through the gap under the door. I've very much hoping that Lenore's checkup appointment tomorrow will allow me to put these kittens back together.

Sacked out after playing with an Amazon box and filler paper, plus some new toys.

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

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